All things arise, and all things pass away. And all things are made up of atoms and vibrations and cheetos and church. It’s about the tips and tools and secrets for living better, for reaching our optimal states of body, mind, and spirit— for visualizing and achieving the lives that we deserve to live: stronger, happier, sexier, fuller, fitter, richer, bigger, brighter, free-er, pure-er, wilder, quieter, cleaner, greener, leaner, smarter, true-er, real-er, in the context of a world that is expanding and crumbling at the same time. It is about managing the paradox.
This is a website that houses approximately 30 sound and video pieces. Each video is composed of five colors which rotate in progression, their rhythm is based on the individual sound tracks that accompany them. The audio is sourced from around the globe in a variety of environments, from sounds recorded on the streets of Beijing to a choral concert in Warsaw to studio recordings in Detroit. Each piece was developed to evoke a meditative space, an environment that would flood the senses and encourage reflection.